A drop saved
is a penny earned

There is an acute shortage of water and a large percentage of the population does not have access to water. To add to this problem, we waste a huge amount of water in our restrooms during flushing. A conventional urinal flushes approximately 1-2 ltrs of fresh water which leads to a wastage of anything between 50K ltrs to 150K Itrs in a year.
That is one whole year of 14 families getting access to drinking water.
54% of India faces HIGH to Extremely high Water Stress.
Interestingly, the only reason we flush our urinals after urination is to get rid of the odor and the odor is nothing but Ammonia (NH3)
Water is necessary in a urinal to flush down the #PeePee. Without water, urinals would stink.
#PeePee is 95% water and can flow down the urinal by itself. #PeePee reacts with water to produce Ammonia which is responsible for the smell.
This myth alone is costing us 2-4 liters of water for every use and spoiling our restrooms, while at it. The dampness in urinals offers favorable environment for microbes & air-borne infections. Plus, the water used for flushing urine increases volume of sewage generated in cities. We want to save this water and create an odor-free #PeePee experience.
The Science behind Urine & the Odor
Hydrolysis of urea present in human urine generates odour in urinals. The enzyme urease, hydrolyses urea into ammonia and carbamate. The latter compound decomposes spontaneously to carbonic acid and a second molecule of ammonia. The overall reaction can be represented as :
NH2(CO)NH2 + 2H20 → NH3 + NH4+ + HCO3-
Ammonia (NH3) is a colourless gas with a pungent odour. Ammonia exists naturally in air at levels between one part and five parts per billion (ppb) of air. The normal human detection level of ammonia is approximately 50 ppm, some people can detect ammonia gas concentrations as low as 20 ppm.
How Zerodor removes your restroom odor & and makes it waterless
98% of the smell comes from the drain line where urine is drained, dried and releases ammonia gas. The objective of a Waterless Urinal is to manage/block/control the odor-causing gases in the drain pipe so that the requirement of flushing the urinal pans with water is avoided. In a Waterless Urinal, a one-way valve is installed in the urinal pan which allows the urine (liquid) to flow but blocks the odor-causing gases (NH3) and keeps the restroom free from foul odor. The one-way valve can be designed using various mechanisms and ways. Conventional Waterless Urinals in the market use Chemicals and Cartridges to handle the odor & water and demand infrastructural changes during installations. These cartridges have chemicals ora gel that floats (something similar to oil floating on water) and creates a barrier for odor-causing gases.
Another mechanism uses an elastic membrane that opens and closes and thus creates a barrier for the odor-causing gases.
Our solution, Zerodor is a waterless urinal kit that converts an existing conventional flushing urinal into a waterless urinal. This replaces the waste coupling in the urinal pan. The solution has a one-way ball valve that floats up when urine passes through it, opens the drain passage, and then goes back to its original position to close the opening and thus block the odor-causing gases coming from the drain line. This helps in keeping the restroom odor-free and eliminates the need for flushing the urinal. Since this is a mechanical device and does not use any chemicals, it is a cost-effective solution and does not demand any operational expenses in terms of changing or replacing any cartridge. Also, As it is a retrofit solution, it does not demand any infrastructural change.
Comparison of Zerodor with other technologies
There are different types of waterless urinals available in the market working on different principles. Some have chemical sealant cartridge that uses chemicals or gels as a sealant to block the odor and allow passage of urine. Another technology uses a membrane-based cartridge which has a membrane flap that opens for passage of urine. Both these technologies are imported and have their own challenges and limitations. Operational and design challenges along with high cost make these technologies less suitable for the Indian context.
Here's how Zerodor Waterless Urinal compares with these technologies.

Retrofit possible to existing urinal pan
No need to buy a new urinal pan
Completely MECHANICAL System
No Chemical
No Cartridge
Cost Effective
Suitable for India
No Replacements
No Recurring Expenses
Easy to maintain and clean
Zerodor: Mechanical valve-based technology
Not possible to retrofit existing urinal pans
Have to buy a specially designed pan
Chemical Cartridge System
High Capital Cost
Comes with a cartridge
Not Ideal for India
Frequent Cartridge Replacements
High Recurring Expenses
Complex maintenance process
Difficult to clean in case of choking

Chemical Cartridge based technology

Not possible to retrofit existing urinal pans
Have to buy a specially designed pan
Elastic membrane Cartridge System
High Capital Cost
Comes with a cartridge
Not Ideal for India
Frequent Cartridge Replacements
High Recurring Expenses
Complex maintenance process
Difficult to clean in case of choking
Elastic Membrane-based technology

Zerodor: Mechanical valve-based technology
Retrofit possible to existing urinal pan
No need to buy a new urinal pan
Completely MECHANICAL System
No Chemical
No Cartridge
Cost Effective
Suitable for India
No Replacements
No Recurring Expenses
Easy to maintain and clean

Elastic Membrane-based technology
Not possible to retrofit existing urinal pans
Have to buy a specially designed pan
Elastic membrane Cartridge System
High Capital Cost
Comes with a cartridge
Not Ideal for India
Frequent Cartridge Replacements
High Recurring Expenses
Complex maintenance process
Difficult to clean in case of choking

Chemical Cartridge based technology
Not possible to retrofit existing urinal pans
Have to buy a specially designed pan
Chemical Cartridge System
High Capital Cost
Comes with a cartridge
Not Ideal for India
Frequent Cartridge Replacements
High Recurring Expenses
Complex maintenance process
Difficult to clean in case of choking
Here's why you should go for Zerodor

• Saving of Plumbing required for flushing.
• Savings in Flushing Sensors and Related Hardware.
• Odorless and Refreshing Washroom Environment without the use of any Chemical.
• Saving of over 1.5 Lakh Liters of water in one Urinal in one year.
• Saving of equivalent amount of Water pumping cost in terms of electricity and maintenance.
• Reduction in STP load.
• Lesser STP Operational costs.
• Lower Sewerage Volume Cost.
• LEED Certification and Green Building Ratings.
• Savings on plumbing maintenance.
• Lower Carbon Footprint
• Preservation of Natural and Precious Resources

• Saving of Plumbing required for flushing.
• Savings in Flushing Sensors and Related Hardware.
• Odorless and Refreshing Washroom Environment without the use of any Chemical.
• Saving of over 1.5 Lakh Liters of water in one Urinal in one year.
• Saving of equivalent amount of Water pumping cost in terms of electricity & maintenance.
• Reduction in STP load.
• Lesser STP Operational costs.
• Lower Sewerage Volume Cost.
• LEED Certification and Green Building Ratings.
• Savings on plumbing maintenance.
• Lower Carbon Footprint
• Preservation of Natural and Precious Resources